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Area/Country Type Client Type of Service
Indonesia Hydropower Plant construction TOKYO ELECTRIC POWER
Construction supervision of civil works for
Hydropower Plant project
Vietnam Tunneling work NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Construction supervision for tunnel works
Vietnam Thermal Power Plant construction Marubeni Corporation Project coordination service for the Coal
Thermal Power plant project
Philippines Hydropower Plant construction JNC CORPORATION Feasibility Study support work for
Hydropower Plant project
Nepal Hydropower Plant construction NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Construction supervision for the improvement
work of Mini Hydropower Plant project
Indonesia Plant construction Nikken Sekkei Civil
Engineering Ltd.
Supervision of civil and building works
Hong Kong
Subway construction Not open Construction supervision service for immerged
tunnel work
Singapore Shield construction Not open Construction supervision service for
shield tunnel work
Malaysia Plant construction Toyo Engineering
Supervision of civil and building works
Vietnam Thermal Power Plant construction Mitsui Engineering &
Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
Construction supervision for civil works on
land and marine
Vietnam Extension project of hydroelectric
power station
NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Technical study on tunneling using tunnel
boring machine
Indonesia Site preparation for Power Plant project Mitsui Engineering &
Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
Construction supervision for site preparation
work of Power Plant project (Off shore )
Vietnam Subway project NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Air condition-related facility for subway project
Cambodia Improvement of railway NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Construction supervision for rehabilitation work of
railway project
Myanmar Development of infrastructure project Nikken Sekkei Civil
Engineering Ltd.
Support for preparation of tender documents
Indonesia Geothermal Power Plant construction TOSHIBA CORPORATION Support for cost estimation work of project
Indonesia Geothermal Power Plant construction TOSHIBA CORPORATION Construction supervision and quality control of
civil works
Indonesia Hydropower Plant construction NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Variation of underground power station
Vietnam Tunneling work NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Support for detailed design of
tunnel extension work
Indonesia Site preparation for Power Plant project Mitsui Engineering &
Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
Construction supervision for site preparation
work of Power Plant project
Indonesia Site preparation for Power Plant project Mitsui Engineering &
Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
Construction supervision for soft ground
improvement work
Indonesia Hydropower Plant construction NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Response to contractor’s claim of a tunnel work
Laos Bridge construction Central Consultant Inc. Construction supervision
Vietnam Thermal Power Plant construction Mitsui Engineering &
Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
Construction supervision for civil works on marine
Philippines River improvement work NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Value engineering for river improvement work
Indonesia Hydropower Plant construction NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Preparation of evaluation reports for contract claim
India Railway construction NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Preparation of contracts and specifications for site
investigation and detailed design for railway projects
India Railway construction NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Cost estimation of site investigation and detailed
design for construction of undersea tunnel
Bangladesh Subway project NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Verification of tender documents
Kenya Hydropower Plant construction NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Construction supervision for restoration works
of tailrace
Kenya Hydropower Plant construction NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Inspection and checking of restoration works
of tailrace
Philippines Hydropower Plant construction Sta.Clara International
Advisory service for construction of
hydropower plant
Japan Water Supply and Sewerage project OYO Corporation Technical support for expansion of Water Supply
Plant project
Japan Wind Power Plant project Mitsui Engineering &
Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
Document production service of the site
preparation works for Wind Power Plant project
Japan Improvement of power station Not open Method statement and cost estimation
Japan Geothermal Power Plant construction Not open Method statement for civil works of geothermal
power plant
Japan Urban redevelopment project Nikken Sekkei Civil
Engineering Ltd.
Inspection of pile driving
Japan Hydropower Plant construction NIPPON KOEI CO.,LTD. Support of design work
Japan Water Supply and Sewerage project Not open Investigation of the latest technology for
water supply and sewerage in Europe and USA
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